Professional race car driver Emily Duggan recently had the slowest ride of her life! She took to the airfield at Sydney Airport for a test drive, showcasing the airport’s unwavering commitment to safety.
With her expert skills behind the wheel, Emily navigated aircraft movement areas and airside roadways, highlighting the precision, control and safety measures that are at the core of operations at the airport.
The initiative was carried out as part of Airport Safety Week, highlighting to staff how challenging driving in close proximity to planes and vehicles can be.
Sydney Airport’s Aviation Safety Manager Bjorn Nielsen said bringing Emily in for this exercise was an opportunity to think outside the square when it comes to safety and engaging staff.
“One of our values at the airport is to challenge the status quo and continuously innovate,” Bjorn said.
“After working with our airport partners and seeing the demographic of airport workers changing to younger workers, we realised that we needed to try something new to better engage drivers on safe driving.