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Lost Property

T1 International

For items lost at T1 International Terminal, including P6, P7 car parks and the Express and Priority Pick up, please contact us at

Our lost property office is open from 8am to 4pm on weekdays and is located on level three of the T1 International terminal.

T2 Domestic

For items lost at T2, Domestic Terminal, Including P1,P2, P3 car parks and the Express and Priority Pick up, please contact us at

T3 Domestic

For items lost at T3 Qantas Terminal, please visit the Qantas FAQ page for more information on how to make an enquiry.

Finding your lost property outside our terminals

If your item wasn’t found at our terminals, it may have been found on an aircraft or on public transport. Here are some additional contact details to help you find your lost property.

Airlines - Contact your airline for lost and delayed baggage, or if you have left something onboard an aircraft.

Baggage handlers - Your airline may contract out the management of lost, delayed or damaged baggage to a ground handling agency.

Lost passports - Lost passports found within the terminals are handed over to Australian Border Force (ABF). Visiting the ABF website for contact information.

Sydney Trains - For any items left on the train.

Taxi - If you've left an item in a taxi, please contact the relevant taxi company directly.

Please note, Lost property services at T1 and T2 are provided free of charge. Sydney Airport does not work with third party lost property services.

Lost property form